“Ancestral Love” PLANET LOVE Campaign with Pepsi and NATGEO
This past May, June and July we participated in the incredible and beautiful project "Planet Love" together with KHANA, a social enterprise that works with talented artisans from AAHH in Lima in vulnerable areas.
This social campaign was organized by PepsiCo and National Geographic, in which we worked hand in hand with 2 native families from the Cantagallo Community, which is a community of Shipibo Konibo origin, made up of migrant families from Ucayali and surrounding areas.
This project included the design and development of more than 5,000 units of hand-embroidered Tottebags by Khana artisans with recycled threads from plastic filaments from Pepsi bottles and the Killa artisans made the Tottebags based on 100% natural inputs and textiles and made locally.
10% of the income received from this project has been directed to the development of educational and development programs for the "Saving Yacu" program, which provides support programs for the development and personal growth of artisans from native communities. in Izcozazin, Lomalinda, Selva Central and their schoolchildren. This, in the generation of innovative projects and the strengthening of the museum of knowledge for the preservation and growth of the use of the native techniques of the communities.